11 Stories From People Who Lived In Haunted Houses

“One time, I went to the kitchen to get a soda and went back to my room in the basement (there were five bedrooms upstairs, but the vibes upstairs were OFF and mom and I refused to sleep up there). I set my drink on my desk and went to take my dog out. When I came back inside, my drink was gone. I looked all over my room, went back to the kitchen, but couldn’t find it anywhere. I figured I was losing it and went to take a shower, and when I opened the curtain…my drink was IN THE SHOWER. 

Another time, I was sleeping (I am a HEAVY sleeper…I’ve slept through fire alarms…I don’t wake up easily) and heard my name whispered, which woke me from a dead sleep. On multiple occasions, my mom had seen ‘me’ walk by her…and when I actually entered the room, she looked at me like I’d grown three heads, convinced that I’d been in the room long enough to have a conversation. 

Another time my grandma saw ‘me’ sitting at the kitchen table at 4 a.m….just sitting…not reading or on my phone…just a creepy silhouette with the stove light on…I was not awake. My mom also got home from work (like 4 p.m., so sunny and bright) and said I was in the backyard and didn’t answer when she called down to me. She figured I had headphones or something in and went inside and found me passed out on the couch and shook me awake, asking why I was messing with her. 

All around creepy place. ESPECIALLY since SOMETHING kept impersonating me, which isn’t always a great omen, but at least I never saw MYSELF.”


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