12 Famous Men Who Were Unfairly Blamed For Scandals

12 Famous Men Who Were Unfairly Blamed For Scandals

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He also wrote, “Ever since I embraced Islam in 1977, people have regularly tried to link me with things I have nothing to do with…I am a man of peace, and I denounce all forms of terrorism and injustice; it is simply outrageous for anyone to suggest otherwise. The fact that I have sympathy for ordinary people in the world who are suffering from occupation, tyranny, poverty, or war is human and has nothing to do with politics or terrorism. Thank God my daughter and I were relieved of our ordeal and delivered home safely.”

On his official website, he said, “No reason was ever given [for why I was turned away from the US], but being asked to repeat the spelling of my name again and again, made me think it was a fairly simple mistake of identity. Rumors which circulated after made me imagine otherwise.”

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