13 Bad First Date Stories That Are Truly Awful

13 Bad First Date Stories That Are Truly Awful


“I went on a date with my ex’s ex (lesbians… IYKYK), and while we were having a chill time at the bar, the shared ex happened to show up. She was with her friends celebrating her birthday and she spotted us.”

“The ex freaked out at us, understandably, and a random woman at the bar was trying to get her to calm down. The ex ended up BITING THIS WOMAN IN THE NECK. My date/her ex decided to just remove ourselves from the situation before it got worse, but she followed us to the car and stood in front of it, blocking us from leaving and screaming at us. 

Eventually, her friends got her to go inside so we could leave. Fast forward a week or two, the one I was dating (the biter’s ex) stole all my phone chargers and half my clothes and moved a few hours away without saying anything. I don’t know which bullet I dodged more…”


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