16 Students Share Wild Secrets About Boarding School

16 Students Share Wild Secrets About Boarding School


“I went to public school, but I moved in with my (now ex-) partner and their family (whose mom is a teacher there and my ex is an alum) on the campus of a very well-known, elite boarding school in New England. The stories I could tell… Faculty selling vodka in emptied plastic water bottles for an extortionate price, celebrities casually walking around sometimes to check out the school to see if they want to send their kids there, security guards waiting outside classrooms and dorms of different students, literal royals from countries all over being common, the dining hall alone being bigger than half of my public school, the overworked and underpaid/underappreciated staff and corrupt administrators, the ungodly amount of homework that students had per day (minimum six hours and Saturday classes), plus mandatory sports (another three hours minimum, five days a week), and chapel once a week.”

“Most surprisingly, though, because the majority of the students were wealthy, most didn’t care to show off their wealth. Meanwhile, at my public high school, it was the opposite, and people would make a point of pointing out their designer items. Meanwhile, kids who come from the wealthiest families in the world could not care less about labels, brands, and flashing money.”


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