16 Teachers Dating Other Teachers Stories

16 Teachers Dating Other Teachers Stories


And finally: “I am dating the instructional coach. We both bonded after our divorces, but we were friends beforehand and weren’t attracted to each other. When we started dating, although both of us were single, it became office gossip (funnily enough, we don’t really interact AT work). We work on separate sides of the building now that his office moved last year (not because we are dating…they just reorganized rooms). If you have the ‘pot stirrer’ person in your organization, expect rumors. There was a rumor we were getting married, which is hilarious given we’re both divorced.”

“Most people are supportive now that we are ‘open.’ I made a pretty bold statement to a gossiper who likes me that, ‘If anyone has anything to say that is less than happiness for us, then they don’t deserve my attention.’ The ‘cattiness’ kind of stopped.

I walk a thin line when I recommend people genuinely seeking the guidance of the instructional coach because I don’t want them to think, ‘She’s just saying that because he’s her boyfriend’ (when in reality, he’s a fantastic coach and a wise man).

I teach in a high school — adults act like teens.”


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