16 Wild Stories That Happened At School

16 Wild Stories That Happened At School

“The gym teacher, who we’ll call Mr. Pelletier, was a pretty burly guy, saw Hugo do this, and, without hesitation, picked Hugo up into a fireman’s carry and dumped him headfirst into a trash barrel. 

Hugo got up, and tried taking a few swings at Mr. Pelletier, Mr. Pelletier slammed him down to the ground and told him that if he took another swing, he would swing back. Hugo spent the rest of gym class pouting on the floor. 

Hugo’s parents complained to the principal, but the principal sided with Mr. Pelletier, saying that Hugo got what he deserved. This was back in 1989. Obviously, if that happened today, Mr. Pelletier would probably be out of a job. But back then there were really no consequences for bullies, and I’m sure that Mr. Pelletier was fed up with it!

By the way, I was the student who got ‘pantsed’. I know that what Mr. Pelletier did was wrong, but to this day, he’s still my hero.”


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