17 Creepy And Unsettling Pictures Of Things That Shouldn’t Exist

17 Creepy And Unsettling Pictures Of Things That Shouldn’t Exist

Buckle up, folks, because it’s time to look at some extremely weird and anxiety-inducing images!!!

Here are 17 pics that made me DEEPLY uncomfortable, and I want to know if you feel the same:

1. This clown shower that makes me think B.O. isn’t so bad, actually:

2. This doll that is 100% haunted (and also kind of confusing???):

3. This manicure that the artist didn’t quite nail:

4. This absolutely cursed tree carving:

5. This NSFW squirrel taxidermy:

6. This homemade mask by DIY Hannibal Lecter:

7. Another creepy face mask, because apparently, my nightmares needed more background actors:

8. This eerie backseat driver:

9. This phone that’s perfect for calling friends to gossip — because it’s two-faced:

10. This aggressive car detailing that can’t decide if it wants to blend in or stick out:

11. This world cup mascot with hollow, empty eyes:

12. These weird Pokémon knockoffs that I absolutely do not want to catch:

13. This fish timepiece that’s half past nope o’clock:

14. This satanic Walk of Fame star on a Los Angeles sidewalk:

15. Knock, knock. Who’s there? This DIY disaster:

16. This glass clown that makes Pennywise look friendly:

17. And finally, concrete evidence supporting my belief that all dolls are possessed by demonic spirits:

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