17 Reasons Why Women Ghosted Men

17 Reasons Why Women Ghosted Men


“Before I met my boyfriend on a dating site, one of the guys (I never got around to meeting for reasons that will unfold here) I was talking to was hyper-focused on whether I was naked at any given time. I let that red flag go because I thought maybe he was just awkward and inexperienced with dating. But I did tell him his focus on my state of undress all the time was making me uncomfortable. So instead, knowing that I had dogs, he just started asking me about my dogs all the time. It was pretty innocuous at first. ‘What’re your dogs doing now?’ ‘Did they get any treats today?’ ‘Did you play with them today?’ ‘Do you like to cuddle your dogs to relax?’ Well, I do like to cuddle my dogs so I didn’t really see any issue, but then he started back up with the semi-sexual talk — but kept the dogs involved. ‘Do you cuddle your dogs naked?’ ‘Would you cuddle your dogs naked?’ and worse.”

“I don’t believe in ghosting people as a general practice unless it’s clear someone is a creep and might be a danger. This guy had me very creeped out. He asked me a very inappropriate question about my dogs one day and I never responded to him again. Eventually, he got the message and stopped contacting me.”


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