17 Things About The US That Surprised Non-Americans In Really Good Ways

17 Things About The US That Surprised Non-Americans In Really Good Ways


“As someone who was born and raised in Europe and then moved to America, it always surprised (and annoyed) me when European friends complained about the supposed fakeness of Americans saying things like, ‘Hey, good to see you!’ and ‘Have a great day.’ I mean, is the opposite preferable? Do these critics yearn for sullen, sour service? 

I can remember when that sourness was the standard demeanor in the Netherlands, France (the French were probably the worst), Germany… But the continent has come a long way, France included. These days, sales clerks and shop owners and waitstaff really are more likely to smile and make an effort to be pleasant. I like to think it’s the American influence, but whatever it is, I’ll take it over that miserable ‘dafuq do you want’ mentality of old.”


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