17 Women Are Debunking Myths About Love

17 Women Are Debunking Myths About Love


“That love is ‘enough.’ It’s not. It’s not enough to keep people together, period. You can love someone and realize that it’s not working. You can shower all the love you have on a person, but it’s not enough to make them love you back the way you want to be loved or not be abusive, change their habits, quit drugs, etc. Love is not enough. People often stay in bad situations and say, ‘Well, I love them,’ but they know it’s not enough.”

“Okay, you love each other, so why is whoever still cheating? Why is whoever still refusing counseling? Why is whoever still yelling, calling names, and being a shitty partner? Love is not enough to build a healthy life and relationship. It takes a lot more than just love. You need respect, you need introspection, you need to be able to advocate for your needs, and you need so much more than just love. We’ve all seen a million posts on here saying, ‘I love them even though they [insert whatever messed up thing they did], so please don’t tell me to just leave.’ Well, if you just loving them was enough, it wouldn’t be that way.”


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