18 People Shared The Unsolved Mysteries They’ve Experienced

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And finally, BuzzFeed reader renloveslemmy — who was featured in the previous installment of “real life unsolved mysteries” — shared a new, spooky update to their story. In Part 1, which you can read here (it’s story #2), they explained that they heard footsteps upstairs and assumed their husband had been home…only for him to walk through the door minutes later. Here’s what’s happened since then:

“About two weeks ago, I woke up in the middle of the night to what I assumed was my son walking around his room. The floor planks are original and they run from his room to ours, with a wall separating the two rooms. He has an ensuite in his room, so I was waiting to hear the toilet flush or something, but he just kept walking around for, like, 20 minutes. Finally, my husband woke up and we both decided I would get up and check. Before I got the chance, we heard our son come out of his room, peek his head into ours, and say, ‘Are you guys walking around?’ Well shit. 

I just said, ‘No buddy, it’s probably the cats.’ He went back to bed, but — just for fun — I went downstairs to check on the cats, even though that sound was clearly coming from our floor. Sure enough, they were both asleep in their beds. We live in an old house and I don’t believe in this crap, so I was fully not concerned.

We had another occurrence this past weekend. Our house had an addition added in the late 1800s. It was the servants’s quarters. At some point, someone opened the wall from our master bedroom into the upstairs portion of the servants quarters and turned it into a sitting area, with a walk-in closet and ensuite. So, my husband and I were sitting in there, watching TV. Suddenly, our bedroom door unlatched and opened slightly. We assume it was our son, who had been in bed for a while. Annoyed, I turned my head to tell him to go back to bed I watched a little shadow disappear from the doorway. Like I almost missed it, it was so fast! 

I got up and walked over to peek down the hall. My son’s door was closed (it creaks SUPER loud when you open it, and I never heard it). I walked over to check on him and he was sound asleep. When I got back to my husband, I casually said, ‘It’s nothing, he’s sleeping.’ Both of us sat there silently and finally, I had to say it. I said, ‘That looked like a kid!’ and my husband went, ‘YES IT DID!’ Again it’s so silly — it’s probably nothing, but now we joke about the little kid who is haunting the upstairs of our house.”


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