18 Worst Things That People Have Done At Work

18 Worst Things That People Have Done At Work

“She asked for 10 f’ing 20 pound bags of ice, so I filled up a cart and brought it to her car. She sat her ass down in the front seat as I loaded them into the trunk. We carry boxcutters with us at work, so I decided to use mine to rip open every single bag I put in, so that when she attempted to pull them out, the bags would come out, but the ice would stay.

She showed back up at the store in a rage, the likes of which I had never seen before. It was a hot day and apparently she took a long while to get home and the ice melted, hit some open wiring in her crappy car, and completely f’d all the electronics in her car.

My manager told her tough luck, and that she wasn’t on our property when the damage was done, so she lost her shit, started screaming and throwing shit for like 45-minutes straight, started hitting me, then got escorted away by security.

All in all, probably the most interesting day of work that I’ve had.”


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