19 People Share Their Real Life Serial Killer Encounters

19 People Share Their Real Life Serial Killer Encounters


“Back in the early ’80s, kids were allowed to roam freely. Parents were less concerned, I suppose. I was a free range kid. My single mom would work late, so I was home alone a lot. One night, my brother happened to visit the apartment we lived in. Someone knocked on our door. It was Fred, a neighbor from a few apartments over. Fred was a friend’s stepdad. I knew him — would start pickup games of football, kickball, Marco Polo, etc. in the pool with us kids. So, when Fred knocked, I almost opened the door.”

“My brother stopped me. I told my brother, ‘That’s Fred. He’s cool.’ My brother replied, ‘I don’t know him, so he is not coming in.’ He opened the window just a crack and asked what the man wanted. ‘Uhhh, can I get some water? I’m really thirsty,’ Fred asked. My brother handed him a cup of water through the window. Then, Fred asked if he could use the phone. I guess Fred thought that would get him into my apartment. My brother grabbed the wall phone, with the super long extension cord, and handed it to Fred, again, through the window.

I thought my brother was being ridiculous. I knew Fred, and he knew me. Fred knew I was home alone often, but clearly, he didn’t expect my brother would be at my place that day. Well, he certainly didn’t get in that night. That turned out to be a good thing. 

Less than two years later, Fred was arrested in connection with the death of 12-year-old Amanda Ray. He was also suspected for the disappearance of a 5-year-old boy many years prior, too. Cold case detectives are convinced he also was the murderer of 4-year-old Neely Smith, who was abducted from our apartment complex and killed, but the case is still unsolved.

His name is Fred Coffey. He is currently serving a life term in one of the North Caroline correctional facilities. I am convinced Fred was coming for me that night, and by the grace of God, I was spared.”  


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