19 Tips For Solo Travelers Visiting Latin America

19 Tips For Solo Travelers Visiting Latin America

“For women, if you feel safer using an app instead of taxis, try DiDi. It’s the equivalent to Uber. I found it easy to use. 

The city is massive — seriously, don’t underestimate it — but a few places I’d recommend are the Virgen del Panecillo monument (easy to get a bus there) and the historic center, which is full of beautifully preserved churches & historic buildings that you can tour solo or with a guide (available in English) for $30 or so. 

There’s also a teleférico [an aerial lift, similar to the Disney Skyliner] and museums with free days — just check in advance. Last summer, I even went to an adorable classic movie theater that I’d never been to before, and it was amazing! Sadly, I don’t remember what it’s called, but it shouldn’t be too hard to find.

There’s also the Mitad del Mundo attraction with exhibits of all the regions of Ecuador, great food, and souvenir shops. 

Lastly, don’t forget to check out Baños. It’s a short drive out of the city, also accessible by bus, and has so many options for outdoor adventures (zip lining, swing that goes over a cliff, bike trails, waterfall, etc.). As with anywhere, be mindful of your items and of your surroundings, especially try to be careful when using your phone (grip it tightly, don’t be obvious, keep it in an inaccessible location), and you should be fine.”


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