21 Stories Of Marrying Someone Your Friends Hated

21 Stories Of Marrying Someone Your Friends Hated


“My best friend flat-out told me not to marry my husband. She refused to come to our ceremony and told me I was making a big mistake. According to her, he was ‘too wild’ and was going to ‘break my heart’ because she couldn’t see him being loyal to just one person due to stories she’d heard about him. At that time, she was dating one of his friends from work. I thanked her for her opinion but said I was going to marry him anyway.”

“Yes, things had moved very quickly in our relationship, and yes, he was wild, and yes, I thought long and hard before marrying him because of the stories (most of which were true). My best friend and I remained close, but it wasn’t the same. I wouldn’t confide anything to her because I knew she disapproved of our marriage. Eventually, we drifted apart. We Facebook message each other on birthdays. My husband and I have been married for 30 years, have four children and four grandchildren, and are still in love. He has never had eyes for anyone but me since we got together. Isn’t that the way it is supposed to be??”


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