21 Unusual Things People’s Bodies Do That They Didn’t Know Weren’t Normal

21 Unusual Things People's Bodies Do That They Didn't Know Weren't Normal


“The first year of menstruating, I had intensely painful periods and severe constipation. The periods would last two weeks, with two weeks in between each one. Everyone told me things would calm down and even out. Then one night, at a friend’s sleepover, I was in so much pain that I was sobbing on the bathroom floor. My parents rushed me to the hospital. Everything I was describing, pain-wise, made it sound like I was in labor. But I was 14 and still very much a virgin.”

“After a week of tests and painkillers, they finally figured out the issue. I then had surgery to open up my second uterus and cervix, which had been sealed shut by a membrane. I had been having periods for a year and had built up, like, two liters’ worth of blood in my sealed second uterus. So once that was drained out and I was put on major antibiotics, I got to go home and tell all my friends that I had two uteruses.

I was also born with one kidney. Not sure if that’s related, but I sure am a mess down there lmao.”


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