23 Wild Stories About Kids People Went To School With

23 Wild Stories About Kids People Went To School With


“My high school had a small group of kids that made being the edgy outcasts their entire personalities. As the years went on, they started getting into partying, but that eventually led to them taking drugs. Sometime within the first year of high school, this girl P started dating a prominent guy in that group. She was a really sweet, homeschooled, naïve church girl that transferred to our school, and she fell for the ‘bad guy.’ As the years progressed, she became more popular (infamous) because of the drugs and partying and started fighting, etc.”

“Sometime in senior year, they broke up. He started dating her friend, and she just really lost it. She didn’t walk with us at graduation, but her social media presence showed that she was heavily into the party scene and would brag online about her excessive alcohol intake.

She passed away in a car accident. She was driving shit-faced, entered the wrong side of the highway, and hit a family van going 60 mph. She and the family she hit (five people) all burned alive.

And the ‘bad guy’ she fell for who got her hooked to drugs and essentially led to her spiral is in jail for beating up his baby momma (P’s ex-best friend). Just utterly tragic all around.”


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