27 Of The Best Books People Read In 2023

27 Of The Best Books People Read In 2023

“I randomly picked it up while killing time in a Barnes and Noble, and holy sh*t, I did not expect it to be that good. It’s about Fantasticland, a Disney-esque theme park in Florida. Employees get asked to stay behind to protect the park during a hurricane, and it essentially turns into Lord of the Flies

You get sucked in right away and it’s so hard to put down. I recommended it to my sister and she also enjoyed the book a lot — she even joked that she would have to make her staff read it too, so she could talk about it with more people. The hotel scene was so vivid and paranoia-inducing.”


“This is on my list too! It’s not the most well-written book. But it still sucks you in and disturbs the crap out of you. I will be thinking about this book for a very long time. And will probably give it a reread as well.”


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