Promising review: “Your little early riser needs this clock! Our 3.5-year-old loves to be up before the sun. As a family with a newborn and parents who enjoy sleeping in on the weekends, this has been a bit of an issue. I had read about sleep-trainer clocks before but didn’t know if it would really work for us. Now I wish I had bought it earlier! Our child is advanced but the colors of this clock would be easy enough that he could have understood the functionality of it two years ago.
Just one night in, and my son already loves his ‘Melly.’ We set up all the alarms and colors, and after one use, it did the trick! He knew that if the clock was still ‘sleeping’ with the moon image, he had to stay in bed. Once he saw the yellow color, he knew he was allowed to play quietly. This prevented unnecessary yelling for us through the baby monitor and no scary wake-up when he was in our faces/climbing into our bed asking if it was time to get up. When the clock alarm went off, he finished his playtime and got ready for the day.
This clock was very easy to set up and change if needed. It utilizes a USB plug-in, is a perfect size for your child’s nightstand, is easy for them to snooze and understand, and provides fun colors and sounds for their sleep environment. If you’re at all on the fence about a sleep trainer clock, look no further and don’t delay! This is the one!!!!! We already love our ‘Melly’!”—Megan E.
Price: $49.99 (available in four colors)
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