28 Teachers Who Faced Off With Rude Parents


“I taught preschool. I had a parent email me saying I was deliberately excluding their child from activities outside of school. Apparently, one of my students was having a birthday party, and the parent of the birthday girl had given my director the invitation email to send to the class (my director did not want teachers handing out invites). My director had accidentally misspelled one of the moms’ email addresses, and they didn’t know about the party until another parent spoke about it after it happened. I was ripped a new one via email from this parent, with my director CC’ed on it, telling me I must have an issue with the child because I was deliberately excluding them, and how awful of a person I am because I was cruel to children.”

“My director wrote back, admitting it was her fault. The parent just said, ‘Oh, okay,’ and that was the end of it. I never got an apology, and the parent avoided me for the rest of the time their child was in my class.”


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