28 Wild Stories About High School Teachers


“I was a junior in high school, and there was one science teacher who would always have the senior girls in his classroom even when it wasn’t their class time. There were always rumors, but no concrete proof. One year, a 17-year-old (we’ll call her Jenny) born-again Catholic transferred into senior year. All the other girls either graduated or stopped hanging around the classroom. But Jenny always had a seat right next to the teacher, no matter the time of day. Jenny used religion as a way to act like she was better than others and say that everyone was going to hell. By the end of that year, she was pregnant by her boyfriend and had to redo her senior year. When the new semester started, she was in school, but the science teacher was not.”

“Less than a month later, the local newspaper broke the story that they’d been together, and neither Jenny nor the science teacher was ever seen again. From what I last heard, he lost his NY teaching license, they moved to Florida, got married, and had two children. They’ve since divorced — she remarried and had her fourth baby.”


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