57 Costumes That’ve Already Won Halloween, And It Literally Hasn’t Even Happened Yet

57 Costumes That’ve Already Won Halloween, And It Literally Hasn’t Even Happened Yet

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to show us the best Halloween costumes they’ve ever worn. Here are the genius results.

1. Pre-/post-tornado Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz:

2. A punny Kevin Bacon:

3. A dunkin’ donut:

4. Fifty Shades of Grey, complete with the handcuffs:

5. Mystique while she’s halfway through transforming:

6. This perfect mimosa pairing:

7. A life-size game of Operation:


“I was the Operation game one year. All of the pieces were removable, and the nose even lit up when turned on. One of my favorites!”


8. An unopened Barbie doll:

9. A zombie LEGO man:

10. A taxidermy version of Bambi and Thumper:

11. A headless Marie Antoinette:

12. Sean Connery and Burt Reynolds as contestants on Saturday Night Live‘s “Celebrity Jeopardy!” sketch:

13. The Hamburglar:

14. Dorothy, Glinda, and the tornado from The Wizard of Oz:

15. TLC’s CrazySexyCool album:


“The best day ever was when Chilli from TLC reposted my Halloween costume on her Instagram!”


16. Taco ~Belle~:

17. Mrs. Doubtfire and her hot flashes:

18. This very literal The Devil Wears Prada costume:


“I made the horns using Worbla, created a fake Runway cover, and glued a printed Prada logo onto a random purse. People seemed to really like the idea and execution. I had a blast!”


19. French Kiss:

20. Ariel getting eaten by a shark:

21. Bugs and Babs Bunny in their Tune Squad jerseys:

22. This creative interpretation of “Gonzo” journalism:


“I was dressed as Gonzo journalism. No one got it! My bag was full of Smarties and Pixy Stix to hand out to people while I was fully committed to acting like Hunter S. Thompson, a la Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.”


23. Yzma from The Emperor’s New Groove:


“I dressed up as Yzma for Halloween one year. The headpiece is made of foam, popsicle sticks, and hot glue. It took two days to construct!”


24. Three iconic eras from Britney Spears’ career:

25. Dani at the end of Midsommar:

A24 / buzzfeed.com

“I created the Midsommar dress entirely from scratch. I used chicken wire, fabric, and hundreds of flowers. It was so much fun!”


26. The gang from The Wild Thornberrys:

27. A six-pack of your favorite beer:

28. The Emerald City from The Wizard of Oz:


“My work department does a group theme every year (and we always win first place in the company-wide costume contest). In 2017, we dressed in a The Wizard of Oz theme, and I went as The Emerald City.”


29. A two-person Jägerbomb:

30. Judge Trudy and a dancing lobster from The Amanda Show:

31. Joy and Anger from Inside Out:

32. Regina George at her Spring Fling dance:

33. Peter Pan and his shadow:

34. The Cheetah Girls:

35. A cat and its scratching post:

36. Lucy from I Love Lucy:

37. Two contestants on The Price Is Right:

38. Lisa Simpson as the state of Florida:

39. A Sim:

40. Ms. Frizzle and her Magic School Bus:

41. Edward Scissorhands…or Knifehands:

42. A poodle:

43. Some lawn gnomes:


“For our first Halloween costume as couple we were gnomes! Everyone loved it, and I handmade the hats and tutu.”


44. The Wet Bandits from Home Alone:

45. Harvey Dent as Two-Face:

46. Bob Ross and one of his paintings:

47. A bunch of M&M’s:

48. Fitz and Olivia Pope from Scandal:

49. Dennis Nedry and a dilophosaurus from Jurassic Park:

50. Everyone from Kim Possible:

51. Kristen Wiig’s Gilly character from Saturday Night Live:

NBC / buzzfeed.com

“I was Gilly, aka one of Kristen Wiig’s SNL characters. I found the dress and shirt on clearance at Walmart and glued on every single heart. It was my favorite-ever costume.”


52. Oblina and Krumm from Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:

53. Mushu and the Matchmaker from Mulan:

54. Blue and Magenta from Blue’s Clues:

55. Cousin Itt from The Addams Family:

56. Contestants on Supermarket Sweep:


“The best part was running around the office and throwing whatever we could into the cart!”


57. And Sexy Patrick from SpongeBob:

Nickelodeon / buzzfeed.com

“Last year I went as Sexy Patrick. I got most of the pieces from Amazon.”


Want to show off your own Halloween costume? Feel free to drop a pic in the comments below!

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