Silo Series Filming Locations: Where Was the Futuristic Thriller Filmed?

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There is just something so alluring about watching the Silo series that you cannot help but be attached to the movie, following every second of it as it goes by. Dystopian series, with futuristic themes in mind, have a burden to carry things out more beautifully than a show based on the current time or even the past, for that matter. Knowing the unknown is a curiosity within itself, but if the future is bleak, without any thrill or fun in it, well, why watch? The question looms.

Silo is not at all a disappointment to the fans and audience, though; it carries out its roles perfectly with a splendid storyline and the amazing filming locations manipulated in such a way that the oldness and the futuristic aspects are both completing one another perfectly. Technically, the silo in the Silo series is just a cylindrical tunnel building where the only alive habitants of the planet Earth are currently living. But things just cannot be simple. There are many aspects added to future lives, such as technology, scientific aspects, and much more. 

People are living in the cylinder, but they have whatever luxury and essential things that are necessary for human life present right with them; they do not lack a thing except maybe freedom. To give brief summary of what the storyline for Silo is, it basically revolves around a female protagonist Juliette who is questioning the disappearance of people from the Silo, playing it low, while she tries to find answers to some of the major questions she has popping up in her mind.

Asking questions is not something that is allowed for the residents of Silo, though people there are living, but for what and how is known by none. How did they come to this place, their origin, and many things else are just a huge question mark daunting everyone. It is time they finally get answers, though. But how? To know the answer to that, you will have to watch the series! 

You can stay on to read more about the filming locations of this amazing dystopian series, though! Saying that anything about the Silo has people intrigued would be an understatement; I will let the locations speak for me further. 

Filming Locations for Silo Series

The filming for this Rebecca Fergusson starring series started after Apple+ its streaming rights from the novel writer Hugh Wooly, which was in 2019, but the filming was delayed because of the pandemic situation. Filming officially started in mid-August 2021 and lasted for about a year almost, with its official trailer being released in March 2023. The majority of scenes for the series are shot indoors with the kind of architecture portrayed. 

1. Hoddesdon Studios, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, England, UK

The shooting for the Silo was done inside a set that was temporarily built at Hoddesdon Studios. Filmings could not be held outside for this series, considering the tunnel-like appearance of the living space shown in the series, which would require heavy use of graphics and VFX tools. Scenes of the staircase, which leads to the upper levels of the silo, were filmed at a different studio base, using a blue screen for filming. 

Hoddesdon Studios (Source: Google Maps)

Filming for the second season of the series is known to have already commenced; that definitely adds to the excitement!

2. London, England, United Kingdom (UK)

There are a lot of wonderful filming locations available in the capital city of London, many of which have appeared in different movies and are even famous for that.  But what scenes exactly were filmed in this beautiful city is not known at the moment, though there are rumors that some sort of shooting di actually took place here. 

London Scenery (Source: Google Maps)

Silo series does not need extensively built structures and cannot really use already existing buildings for their shooting because well the major action is all taking place in the silo where humans preside. 

Do people LOVE the dystopian series?

Yes, they do, and it is honestly no surprise that they do. The storyline is indeed absolutely wonderful, being from an equally wonderful novel series by Hugh Wooly, but the cinematic graph and this constant battle in our minds that a part says we go the Silo figured out while the other keeps adding new information is sure, we know absolutely nothing! There are only three episodes left in the series before it comes to an end for Season 1, and we are disappointed and can only hope the second season comes out right on time. 

Silo still
A still from the Silo Series (Source: Apple+)

The audience and critics have both given the show a solid 87% rating, showing even the critics could find a lot to critic with this one! Give it a watch and know what the hype is all about. Waiting for you to join the ‘fan boat’!

Also read: Nancy Drew Filming Locations: Where Is The Mystery Drama Filmed?

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