Why Scott And Catherine From “Love Island” Are The Best

Why Scott And Catherine From "Love Island" Are The Best

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Scott was always kind of a mystery. He was reserved when it came to his heart, but at the same time, brutally honest when it was needed. He came across as cold at times, because his delivery was so brutal. As funny as it seems, Abi and Scott’s “relationship” was needed, and very much the key for everyone to absolutely agree about the depth of Scott’s feelings for Catherine. 

In every conversation with Abi, Scott would look anywhere but her, and with Catherine, it was almost like he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. In Scott and Catherine’s first kiss, Scott didn’t want to stop kissing her, but with Abi, he was the one who pulled away. When Scott and Catherine were coupled up, he wanted to spend almost his entire time with her, even if it meant being with her and her friends. When it came to Abi, he would rather spend time with the boys. Abi was someone who probably made Scott feel seen, because he was single and it can get lonely seeing everyone else coupled but you. I do believe they did physically fancied each other. But ultimately, when the fun ran out and it was time to catch feelings, they both agreed that what they had was not “it.”

It was also a beautiful full circle moment, seeing Scott getting into the last week of the show and refusing to fake feelings just for the sake of money or social media followers. He would rather go home than fake something, walking out as the “hero.”

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