23 Creepy Real-Life Stories People Have Shared October 2023

23 Creepy Real-Life Stories People Have Shared October 2023

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“I have been a nurse for over 20 years. I’ve had plenty of weird, creepy experiences, but this one still chills me. I had two older patients that I was taking care of, one in room 304 and one in room 305. If there wasn’t a wall between their rooms, their head boards would have been butted up to each other. The gentleman in 305 was completely non-verbal — he didn’t talk, he didn’t respond to ANY stimuli, his pupils were fixed and staring. He was physically still alive, but mentally not there. At ALL. My patient in 304 was basically there to die, but she was completely alert and oriented.”

“Suddenly, in the middle of the night, she took a turn for the worse. She was struggling to breathe, panicking. Begging for help but adamant that we don’t do anything to ‘save her’ from dying. I turned up her oxygen, called the doctor to get orders, then started doing what the doctor ordered to try to get her comfortable again. While I was administering meds, my nurse tech came to the bedside next to me. In an incredulous voice, she said, ‘You have GOT to go see room 305…’

I had another nurse stay with my patient in 304 and headed to 305. I heard him before I even walked in. He was SINGING in a loud, shaky but beautiful tenor. Singing about meeting God at the pearly gates and ‘going home.’ I slowly walked into the room and said his name. No response, he kept singing. I grabbed his leg, no response, STILL singing. I gently shook his arm, but he still did not respond to me at all. He was just laying in bed, staring out at nothing and singing hymns about going home to heaven.

I stood and listened for a few seconds, but I eventually went back to my dying patient. After about 25 or 30 minutes, she took her last breath. I set about doing all the things I needed to do after a death, but remembered my patient in 305. I went to his doorway, and all I heard was silence. I peeked my head in and looked at him. He was laying there, as usual, staring out at nothing, completely silent. Once my other patient passed, he stopped singing, and I never heard him make another sound the rest of the time I cared for him. I found the whole situation kind of beautiful, but it still freaks me out.”


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