Scary Ouija Board Stories


“For context, we lived in a very haunted house and collected oddities (including many antique Ouija boards). My daughter was having her 9th birthday ‘princess’ party and wanted to play Ouija. The party was winding down, and my hubby and I were supervising, so I said OK. Starts out normal, Ouija is active and asks if they want to play ‘hide and seek.’ Well, of course, they do. Except the items the board was asking to find were things I did not know were in the house… A black bead at the bottom of a lamp… A doll whose hat had fallen askew… Also, by the fourth or fifth ‘seek,’ the planchette was whipping around the board so fast we could barely keep track of the words.”

“So, I told the girls it was probably time to stop. ‘No! No! We’re having fun,’ they laughed. And then the next words spelled out were, ‘You stop you die.’ So I was full on ‘Nope, board goes away.’ Well, the board just went nuts spelling, ‘I will hurt you,’ over and over until I reached over, pulled the planchette off the board, and snapped it closed. We did not play with the Ouija board in that house ever again.”


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