I Traveled To Italy For The First Time As An Adult And Learned So Much

I Traveled To Italy For The First Time As An Adult And Learned So Much

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Although English is the second-most spoken language in Italy, that doesn’t mean you’ll find all Italian citizens speaking it fluently.

After attending a wedding in Florence, we headed to the underrated, beautiful island of Ischia. Although it’s not as popular as nearby islands like Capri and Amalfi Coast, it’s equally stunning. 

During our stay in Sant’ Angelo, a quiet, small fisherman’s village in Ischia, my boyfriend and I had to rely heavily on Google Translate to communicate. Living like a local was a wonderful experience, as we were not surrounded by American tourists all the time. However, there were instances where it was difficult to communicate certain things, especially my boyfriend’s nut allergy when we were out at a restaurant. 

Most people assumed that we spoke Italian, so we had to quickly type out what we were trying to convey on the Google Translate app. It didn’t really bother us, but it was one of the disadvantages of traveling to a non-touristy area of a country.

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