People Are Sharing When Their Gut Feelings Saved Lives

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“My husband and I were snorkeling in the late afternoon/early evening in Hawaii on our honeymoon. It was in this beautiful bay, and the marine life was unforgettable. My husband got excited and waved for me to swim out further to where he was. He is a very strong swimmer and likes to push boundaries as well. When I got there, there were all these fish tightly packed into the rocks. Hundreds of them are squishing in as tight as possible.”

“When I saw that, my gut feeling was, ‘We need to get the fuck out of here.’ He didn’t realize this was a fear response from the fish, and he was so excited to see so many. I begged him that we needed to get out of the water; something was wrong; fish don’t behave like this. I got desperate and even tried pulling him along with me. Finally, instinct took over, and I took off back to shore. He followed me around 10 minutes later, annoyed that I had cut the swim short. The next day, it was on the news that a tiger shark had been in the area and attacked two locals. One man lost a leg. Now, I’m not saying the tiger shark was there licking its chops; it could have been something else that spooked the fish, but now my husband listens to me when I say ‘gut feeling says no.'”


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