Famous Couples That Have Been Married For 20+ Years

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This beautiful and extremely talented couple met back in 1977 during the filming of the TV movie Wilma, which they both played in. However, it wasn’t until months later, at a mutual friend’s party, that the two actually had a chance to talk. Funnily enough, the two have different versions of what went down at this party. Pauletta’s version is that the two met at the party, had a conversation, and that was it. The following night, they would see each other again when Pauletta rushed into a theater late to see a play, and when the lights came up, she realized she was sitting next to Denzel. However, he likes to insinuate that Pauletta may have followed him there after she heard him talking about it at the party the night before. Regardless, whatever happened between the two prompted what is now a 40-year marriage. They wed on June 25, 1983.

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