27 Celebrity Encounters People Will Never Forget

27 Celebrity Encounters People Will Never Forget

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“I met Robin Williams a couple of times during the filming of Death to Smoochy. I had my kids in as extras, but my youngest daughter wasn’t feeling well one day, and they had her sit out of filming in the daycare area. Robin Williams came by and saw her sitting alone and decided to sit with her and play cards for a few hours.”

“A few days before the shoot started, she had watched Jumanji, so the movie and Robin Williams were all she had talked about. At the end of the first day on set, we were standing in line, waiting to submit paperwork, when Robin Williams started walking up and thanking all of the families for coming out. When he came up to us, my daughter said to him, ‘You know what my favorite movie is?’ Robin Williams bent down to her level, and in a childish voice, asked ‘What?’ She threw her arms out and yelled ‘Jumanji!‘ He started laughing and hugged and thanked her. It was just such a funny thing.

I guess he remembered her, because he later spent that time with her playing cards, and when he was doing a question-and-answer with the kids, he joked with her. He was fantastic on set. He would walk up to people and just chat with them. He never hid from anyone, like you hear other actors do. Last year, I had asked my daughter about the movie, and she mentioned more interactions that she had with him. No wonder he was her favorite actor. Such a good man. He brought so much joy to the world.”


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