35 People Who Quit Their Jobs On The Spot


“I was a sous-chef at the country club where I live. Morning after morning, I would come in to discover no dishes were done, the kitchen had not been cleaned, product had not been rotated, etc. I talked to the head chef, and he would just make up excuses, saying it was busy and the closing crew was close to working past their eight hours. At first, I believed it, foolishly. Then, one night, I was asked to cover a shift for the head chef, as he had a family emergency. While working his shift, I kept delegating tasks to the night crew, but was met with strong resentment. I even had one line cook tell me, ‘Well, [head chef] says we don’t have to do it, so we don’t.’ Even the dishwasher just sat around and didn’t touch a single dish.”

“After the shift, I thought about how I would talk to the head chef about everything. However, after some thought, I locked up the kitchen/club, walked over to the mail drop slot, and dropped my key into the slot. The next day, I started getting calls about where I was because no one was in the kitchen. I told the GM that I quit because I was tired of the lack of accountability and respect.”


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