Eliminating These 3 Foods From Your Diet Can Be A Game-Changer For Heart Health

If you’re able to squeeze flaxseeds and almonds into your diet, Routhenstein recommended doing that.

“These foods contain lignans, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that support heart health by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation,” she said. “These compounds, alongside other nutrients such as vitamin E, alpha-linolenic acid and magnesium, contribute to improved cholesterol levels, blood pressure regulation and vascular health, collectively offering cardioprotective benefits.”

When it comes to grains, choosing the right ones is key, according to Routhenstein.

“Quinoa and whole-wheat bread are heart-healthy choices due to their rich nutrient profile, including fiber, phosphorus, zinc, plant-based protein and antioxidants, which collectively lower LDL cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease,” she said. “Their high fiber content regulates blood sugar levels and supports a healthy gut, contributing to overall heart health.”

Keeping your heart healthy is a lifelong journey, and diet is only part of the picture. Routhenstein, Luger and Setareh-Shenas all emphasized the importance of regular exercise and avoiding habits like smoking. But skipping the bacon, white bread and french fries whenever possible is a great place to start.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

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