25 Worst Things People Have Seen Happen At Weddings

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“I was at a wedding where the best man got up and explained how important this speech was to him, because even though he has a stutter and public speaking is very hard for him, the groom had picked him. It immediately became clear that his stutter was severe, but everyone of course looked at each other like, ‘Isn’t this amazing, what a touching moment.’ It felt like a movie moment as he struggled forward into what we all assumed would be a poignant speech.”

“However, it quickly became clear that this was indeed one of the worst best man speeches of all time, with him referencing exes, sex stories, jokes about the groom’s small dick, and how hot he thought the bride was. But of course, it was all coming out slow, with a noticeable stutter that made everything much, much worse. At the end, everyone was mortified except for him. He looked incredibly proud.”


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