40 Practical Presents To Gift To Yourself Because You’re Responsible, Damnit

40 Practical Presents To Gift To Yourself Because You’re Responsible, Damnit

Mouthwatchers is a small business established by Ronald Plotka, DDS, that specializes in antimicrobial toothbrushes designed to get deeper cleans even patients with “great” dental hygiene might miss with traditional brush and floss routines. I personally use this toothbrush and have been telling everyone in my life to get it — it’s a game changer. I’ve always been prone to plaque build up and it’s been very hard to get my teeth feeling fresh-out-of-the-dentist clean, but this toothbrush has done the trick! The first time I used it my mouth actually hurt a little like when you get a full cleaning done. It was kind of incredible. The bristles are super soft and not irritating but somehow, magically, deep clean my teeth better than any toothbrush I’ve had before.

BuzzFeed writer Emma Lord  also couldn’t help but sing the praises of this toothbrush:

“I personally bought this a few months ago and love it! I use an electric toothbrush usually, but I feel like I’m getting a much more satisfying clean from these?? Especially because I tend to get yellow stains between my teeth no matter *how* much I floss, and these bristles seem to actually target that a lot more effectively. I’ve switched to using this in the morning and the electric one at night and definitely see a difference in that area in particular.”

Promising review: “This was another one of my TikTok purchases! I was skeptical but my kids hate flossing their teeth so thought this might help in between making them floss. They work amazing! My kids said they could see and feel a difference on the first use and I agree! They are definitely with a try! I would suggest not pushing too hard, those tiny bristles really get in there and if you push too hard you might be sore like I was. It felt like after going to a dental cleaning.” —Amy N.

Get a two-pack from Amazon for $14.39

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