21 “Last Straws” That Completely Ended A Relationship

21 "Last Straws" That Completely Ended A Relationship


“My father had just passed from cancer. My best friend of 24 years was with me at his apartment to help me clean. She did nothing but dig through everything he owned and ask me for stuff. She actually made a bigger mess by ransacking closets, drawers, and cupboards. I must have said ‘no’ to the wrong item because she suddenly screamed, ‘It’s not fair that you’re getting stuff just because your dad died!’ I instantly saw my respect for her shatter and fall to the ground like shards of glass.”

“I’ve never felt such rage. I largely ignored her and silently finished my tasks. We had an hour-long drive home, and the whole way, she complained that she had better things to do that day than help me. 

I could not believe how jealous, materialistic, and childish she was. It’s been eight years, and I haven’t spoken a word to her since. Oddly, a couple of years later, when my mom passed, she left a voicemail to offer her condolences. I couldn’t believe her gall to offer to comfort me after being so awful about my father. 

To this day, she’s been toxic and continues to tell our mutual friends how inconsiderate I’ve been to her.”

—Bentley, 52, Michigan

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