Women On When They Realized A Guy Was A “Nice Guy”

Women On When They Realized A Guy Was A "Nice Guy"


“I was in high school at a house party. When I first got there, my friends immediately ditched me and I was cornered by a guy and let me just say, it got awkward very quickly. He started off by complimenting my height?? (I’m 5’10). Then he immediately went into self pity mode telling me his whole life history and how his parents think he’s a disappointment and how his grandma had just passed away. I didn’t really know what to say (we’d just met five minutes ago) so I just did an awkward grin with a ‘sorry about that.'”

“I tried to make up an excuse to go away, but he wouldn’t leave me and proceeded to absolutely insult the shit out of me trying to play it off as flirting…. everything from my nose, my hair, my clothes to my fucking VOICE. I tried to run away but he dragged me to where the drinks were and pressured me to have a shot of tequila. I said no, so he got really close to my ear and whispered ‘do it for my grandma.’ Most passive aggressive flirting I’ve ever experienced.”


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