21 Shocking Habits Former Inmates Learned In Prison

21 Shocking Habits Former Inmates Learned In Prison

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“When I go for a walk, I don’t look at people’s house windows or inside other people’s cars. I also don’t look at people when I’m driving — I just notice their car and not who’s driving the car. I once got into a verbal fight with a guy because I looked into his cell. He said you don’t go around looking into people’s house windows and that was his ‘house,’ so why the f**k was I looking in there. Kind of set the pace, and it changed my perspective. Whatever is going on is none of my business.”

“Respect is another one. I catch the ball sometimes on the internet, but I almost always try to have respect for everyone, whether I know them or not, because in prison respect was everything. It’s so odd to this day seeing people, especially when drunk, be so disrespectful to random people. It took me a year or two to adjust to the blatant, and now culturally accepted, disrespect from everyone. They just don’t get it because there are rarely actual consequences for disrespect in your day-to-day life. You might get yelled at or cussed out on some social media platform, but 99% of people have never had to fight someone over a single smart-ass comment. It’s been 10 years since I’ve been out now, but respect still plays a huge part in my life.”


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