30 Wayfair Products That Will Upgrade Your Backyard

30 Wayfair Products That Will Upgrade Your Backyard

Promising review: “Our cat absolutely *loves* this catio. She’s an indoor cat who has always wished she was an indoor/outdoor cat, so she would constantly try to scoot out the back door when we were coming in or going out. No longer! She waits patiently by the back door, and if we say ‘Coco, do you want to go outside?’ she gets super excited and starts meowing. It’s the cutest thing. We pick her up, walk outside, put her down in front of the catio, and she sashays right in, happy as a clam. We debated about buying this catio because it’s expensive, but it’s worth the money — solidly built and the asphalt roof keeps Coco protected if it starts to rain when she’s out there. Highly recommend!” —Kristi

Price: $164.99+ (originally $215.99+; available in three colors)

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