30 Things For Anyone Who Loves Their Freezer

30 Things For Anyone Who Loves Their Freezer

I’m lucky to live solo now and can do WHATEVER I WANT with my fridge and freezer. But, because I’m grocery shopping and eating solo, I end up with a lot of leftovers I get sick of before they go bad. So I end up freezing tons of leftovers in these quart-size bags. Here, I had a honey chipotle chicken dish from a Blue Apron kit that I could only eat one serving of during the week I cooked it. I shovel in the leftovers, seal out as much air as possible, zip it shut, and then lay it horizontally on a freezer shelf (or on top of a frozen pizza box, etc.), so it freezes flat. Then, once frozen, I can file them vertically or move them as I need ’em. I even rewash the bags and use ’em over and over again. (Grandma Lilly would be so proud!) When you do this, don’t forget to label the bags!

Get a 120-pack of quart bags from Amazon for $8.56 (also available in gallon sizes).

Psst, if you make a mess every time you try to shovel food into a ziplock bag, try these bag holders.

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