23 Patients Who Received Bad Advice From Doctors

23 Patients Who Received Bad Advice From Doctors


“I have SO many stories, but I must go with the grossest instance of the most terrible ‘advice’ I’ve ever received. In 2016, I had been dealing with ongoing gynecological issues for over two years. Chronic, debilitating pain was the primary issue. After the OB-GYN I had been seeing for five years continued to dismiss my complaints, I switched to a different provider. The first time I saw the new provider, he had to run tests and do a pelvic exam to establish care and try to understand the problem. The pelvic exam, which is typically uncomfortable anyway, was EXCRUCIATING. Despite my best efforts to maintain my composure and be still, I cried and writhed on the table. I inadvertently yelped a few times and clawed at the protective paper sheet. I had given birth twice at that point, and childbirth was preferable to this particular exam. It was sheer agony.”

“When it was finally over, as the doctor pulled off his gloves, he asked if it hurt. I was slightly taken aback because it was obvious. I answered anyway, with a meek yes. This slimy, grotesque human being LOOKED ME IN THE EYE AND SMILED when he said, ‘If you ever want more pain, just come back.’ That provider was part of a larger network. When I tried to file a complaint with his superior, I was told, ‘He’s uncomfortable around women and doesn’t have a great bedside manner, but there’s nothing we can do except assign you to a different provider.’ Ugh.”


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