19 Neighbors Who Were Caught Being Strange

19 Neighbors Who Were Caught Being Strange


And: “I was 59 when I bought a home and moved into a senior community. I got a good deal on the house, and it was in a gated community. I didn’t think anything about it being a senior community. Everyone else in the community was older, in their 80s and 90s, and had all moved in when the community was built about 20 years earlier. They all knew each other very well. I was still working and not home much to do any of their activities with them, and apparently, I was the talk of the community. Various neighbors, including ones I hadn’t met yet, would come to my door with questions. ‘Can we come in and see what you changed in the house?’ ‘Why aren’t you married?’ ‘Do you want to meet my brother? He isn’t married either.’ ‘Where did you buy the angel statue that you put in your backyard?’ ‘Can you get me a discount where you work?’ Etc.”

“I just stopped answering the door. They would also run outside whenever I would try to walk my dog, follow me around, ask me more questions, and tell me very personal things about their lives I didn’t want to know. I loved my house there and loved the backyard. I worked so hard to make it beautiful, but I had to move. Even though I was older too, the 20-year age gap between me and the other residents created a BIG difference in our outlooks. They just couldn’t get over the fact I was a working, single woman who did not want to get married, stop working, or go on cruises with them. I could tell you more stories (like how they had nightly drunk golf cart races in front of my house because my street was the only straight street in the community to race on), but I don’t think anyone would believe me!”


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