22 Things That People Learned Not To Mess With

22 Things That People Learned Not To Mess With

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“Dogs, absolutely dogs. Don’t get me wrong; dogs are incredible and they have the capacity for so much love and so much good. But a sick, scared, injured, or mentally unstable dog can do a huge amount of damage with its teeth.

I work with lots of dogs and I got a level 4 bite from a normally well behaved dog once. She got sick, and another dog hit one of the areas that was more tender, and the next thing you know she’s latching onto the closest thing to her with those teeth, which happened to be my leg.

This seemingly perfect dog left me with bite scars that will last the rest of my life. Anyways, don’t mess with dogs. Don’t mess with strange dogs. Don’t mess with sick dogs. Don’t mess with fearful dogs. Don’t mess with injured dogs. Take every precaution you can if you are rescuing a dog like this. Better safe than sorry.”


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