Couples Share How Having A Baby Changed Their Marriage

Couples Share How Having A Baby Changed Their Marriage

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“People are fond of saying, ‘Your first year of marriage is the hardest’. For me, that was not even close to the truth. My wife and I did not live together before we were married, so our first two years of marriage had a few adjustments to which any couple living together can relate. It wasn’t too bad, though…”

“…Spontaneity kept our marriage lively. When we wanted to visit friends, we visited friends. When we wanted to travel, we traveled. Just over two years later, our first child was born. That was when our lives really changed. The first night we brought him home from the hospital, I had to work. I got a call from my wife a couple of hours later. She was in the bathroom changing the baby’s diaper when the power went out. This was a shadow of things to come. 

He was very colicky and did not sleep through the night for the better part of a year. Of course, he could only tolerate the most expensive non-dairy formula our doctor could recommend. The spontaneity was gone from our relationship. All of a sudden, we had to plan everything. Money was tighter. We had to arrange child daycare and occasionally arrange for a sitter. Our closest family member was over 1,000 miles away, so no help there. In an instant, the dynamic of our whole marriage changed. It was worth all the changes our relationship experienced, but that was the year of our biggest changes. If I had to do it all over, I would happily do it again, but without as many novice mistakes.”

Robert T. 

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