How To Salvage Nicholas Sparks’ Splenda Chicken Salad

How To Salvage Nicholas Sparks' Splenda Chicken Salad

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If you do make the modified version of this recipe yourself, keep a couple of things in mind:

• Start with 1 tablespoon of real sugar, then add an additional tablespoon if you think it could be sweeter. If you must use Splenda for any reason, maybe use two packets to start. Sparks is right that the sweetness in this chicken salad makes it unique and surprisingly balanced, but you don’t need anything close to 8 packets of Splenda in this bad boy. I promise.

• You might not need all the dressing that Sparks’ recipe calls for. Maybe my rotisserie chicken was on the smaller side, but I found it all to be a bit soupy for my taste, so add in your dressing little by little until you reach the consistency you prefer.

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