What Divorced Women Wish They Had Done Differently In Their Marriages

What Divorced Women Wish They Had Done Differently In Their Marriages

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“I have one single regret from my marriage, and that was not speaking up when I felt overwhelmed and needed help. We were newlyweds, and I had just given birth to our daughter. Becoming a new wife and mom, I let societal expectations and pressure completely screw with my head. I thought I had to be this super mom and wife, perfect in every way. To me, this meant doing all the child-rearing, housework and cooking while attempting to look like I just stepped off a Victoria’s Secret runway.

I put impossible daily tasks on myself and got burnt out fast. I ended our marriage because it seemed like the only way out of the stressful life I had created. I was so bitter and angry towards a person who just could not understand why. Looking back, all I had to do was say the words to my ex-husband, ‘I need help.’ I know now that if I had communicated my feelings, we might have had a better chance at marital life.” ― blogger Valencia Morton of Millionairess Mama

I wish I had worked on myself more before I got married.

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