Did you know Mark Zuckerberg is apparently developing a version of Instagram for kids which people are not at all in favor of

Did you know Mark Zuckerberg is apparently developing a version of Instagram for kids which people are not at all in favor of

The social media world is a place that has both its merits and demerits. The one place where at one side people are getting inspired and motivated to do something good, but on the other hand some are getting surrounded by toxicity which is triggering their mental health. When using these social media apps, one always has to be careful to be surrounded by content that can benefit them one way or another. This thing is sometimes unable to achieve and if adults have trouble with this then imagine what goes on with teenagers. It was on the news that Mark Zuckerberg is apparently launching Instagram for kids which will have safe and kid friendly content but who is to say that it will be safe? People who are involved in cybercrime activities can find their way through anything and if kids get introduced to such things at such a tender age then it will be difficult for their parents to groom them accordingly.

Facebook is already walking on shells at the moment, with the app getting investigated for the recent privacy leak of so many users worldwide and for the platform being the number one site where people got misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine the most. A group of people have apparently called out the CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg on this and have urged him to not make this kids version of Instagram below the age of thirteen as it can put their safety and well-being at a huge risk. Kids exposed to social media at such a young age will not be advantageous in their future as well. There is no guarantee that every content provided on Instagram kids will be kid friendly and appropriate.

The letter from the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood (CCFC) is adding more things for Facebook to deal with these days. CCFC is a non-profit organization that works for the well-being of children and ensures that they are getting proper grooming and help for their growth and development. They believe that in this age of social media where people on the gram are always trying to seek other’s validation have a hard time adjusting so when the same platforms becomes available for kids, this sense of validation will develop in them from a young age and will completely ruin their confidence. Children who are already vulnerable will quickly fall into the manipulation which social media brings into our lives.

Even though Mark Zuckerberg has the best intentions in mind for creating Instagram’s kids version, and can maybe help in their learning, but there is also no denying on the fact that social media world is still toxic and for kids to get introduced to it at such a tender age will be nothing but horrifying for them growing up.

Photo: Thomas White / Reuters