Emergence Of VR/AR In Healthcare Is Transforming Surgical Procedures

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A few years back, it was nearly impossible to detect a severe illness in the early stage, let alone make a virtual image of the infections spreading in someone’s body. But, now it is possible, thanks to VR and AR technology.

AR and VR, which were initially introduced in the world of gaming and PlayStations have made their way into healthcare as well. Now, it is possible to build a virtual image of any infection, be it in the brain or lungs, or any other part of the body, it can be detected easily. Such a development is beneficial for both doctors and patients.

It helps the patients to get familiarized with their illness and understand their situation better. Also, it helps them to let go of the fear of the unknown and get into surgery with a more positive outlook.

It allows the doctors to map out the situation better. They can see for themselves if the situation is critical or not and what necessary steps they must take. Risks in surgery can be minimized with VR/AR tools mimicking the actual surgery using 2D and 3D imaging.

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