The State Of Usability In 2023 🎊 β€” Smashing Magazine

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Many projects start with assumptions. We assume that users understand hamburger icons and how mega-menus work; that they understand how to deal with disabled buttons; that they safely store passwords and access recovery keys β€” and are delighted when identifying crosswalks and fire hydrants.

Assumptions, however, are often wrong. People are very, very good at finding loopholes and shortcuts. They are also incredibly good at bending the rules to make things work best for them. That’s why we end up with passwords placed on sticky notes and onboarding tutorials being notoriously skipped. As it happens, this shows up in many different ways.

Pssst! This article is part of our ongoing series on design patterns. It’s also a part of Smart Interface Design Patterns 🍣 and is available in the Live Interface Design TrainingΒ πŸ• as well.

User Frustrations In 2023

In this post, I’ve put together a few personal observations from real usability testing on how people behave, what they do, and what they don’t do on the web. Frankly, the results shouldn’t be very surprising to you, but once put together, they paint quite an astonishing picture.

An overview of some of the common frustrations that users experience on the web in 2023. Large view.

🚫 Pop-ups and modals
🚫 Push notifications
🚫 Chat window pop-ups
🚫 Feedback pop-ups
🚫 Install app prompts
🚫 Importing contacts
🚫 Geolocation permissions
🚫 Access to camera/mic/photos
🚫 Demanding permissions on page load
🚫 β€œTurn off your ad-blocker!”
⏭️ Auto-advancing carousels
⏭️ App onboarding tutorials
πŸ”œ Install your updates
πŸ”œ 2-Factor-Authentication
πŸ™ƒ Email for coupon sign-ups
πŸ™ƒ Gender, age, phone input
πŸ™ƒ Security questions
πŸ€” Slow parallax, slow transitions
πŸ€” Background video stalls and jitter
😒 Flags used for language selector
😒 Aggressive live validation
😒 Reaching footer with infinite scroll
😒 Birthday dropdown that starts in 2022
😒 Filters freezing UI on every selection
😒 Disabled buttons that don’t explain what’s wrong
😒 Disabled copy-paste
😒 Crosswalks and fire hydrants
βœ… GDPR cookie pop-up

The most important notion for me (and the most disappointing one) is that users, in general, don’t seem to trust websites. They are often seen as β€œhostile”, β€œunfriendly”, β€œbusy”, β€œannoying,” and β€œconfusing”. That’s why the default attitude towards any website is pretty much the same: block everything!

That’s why pop-ups and modals are often dismissed instinctively. So are push notifications, chat window pop-ups, feedback pop-ups and install app prompts. The same also goes for importing contacts or granting access to geolocation, camera, microphone, or photos.

The blocking happens before users even have a chance to read what they were asked about β€” and once the request has been denied, there is no way to restore it or open it later. The best way to deal with it is to always prefer a nonmodal dialogue, and also always explain why we need permission before asking for it. Humbly and respectfully.

More after jump! Continue reading below ↓

User Delighters In 2023

A common problem that users often experience is the lack of control. Not only do windows appear all-of-a-sudden, requiring users’ immediate attention; users don’t feel that they can rely on the website and fully control their digital experience. This often reflects in words such as β€œfragile”, β€œbroken”, β€œconfusing”, β€œpoorly done”, β€œnot helpful” coming up.

A billboard of things that users find delightful on the web in 2023.
An overview of things that users find delightful on the web in 2023. Large view.

βœ… Calm, fast, accessible experience
βœ… Large, legible text
βœ… Large checkboxes and radio buttons
βœ… Input boxes that look like input boxes
βœ… Clear focus/active states
βœ… Simple password requirements
βœ… Large, tappable areas
βœ… Helpful error messages
βœ… Error messages not covering text input
βœ… Error messages not appearing as toast messages
βœ… User input persisted on refresh
βœ… Drop-downs opening on tap/click
βœ… Easy undos, edits, cancellations
βœ… Pausing of auto-rotating carousels
βœ… Infinite scroll with a sticky footer
βœ… Reliable β€œRefresh” and β€œBack” buttons
βœ… Videos with playback speed options
βœ… Videos with a closed captioning option
βœ… Reliable browser’s auto-fill and password generation
βœ… Filters applied manually, with the β€œApply” button
βœ… Magic link sign-in experience

One of the things that surprised me was the notion of β€œcalm experience” that came up frequently. What users seem to mean by that is a predictable, reliable design. A design where input boxes appear as input boxes, with large radio buttons and checkboxes, with simple password requirements and helpful error messages.

Wrapping Up

Of course, the observations above might not be quite right in your case. Enterprise environments, for example, are very different and can prompt very different user behavior. However, these insights seem to be quite holistic, with many people behaving in a similar way when experiencing similar issues.

What’s really interesting to me is that while user frustrations have evolved and increased significantly over the years, the things that users love and appreciate haven’t changed at all. They probably won’t change in the future either, so focusing on them first might be just the right investment for every project in 2023.

When we speak about design trends in 2023, perhaps it’s also a good opportunity to think about how we can create slightly calmer, more ethical and inclusive designs, perhaps even being a little bit boring every now and again. Frankly, that might feel remarkably refreshing to users in a world that is too noisy, too busy, and too exclusive too often.

(This article isn’t exhaustive by any means, and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.)

Smashing Editorial
(vf, il)

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