How Startups can adopt Cloud Computing

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We love startups. Icicle has worked with lot of startups, specifically more so during the last four years, bringing their ideas and energy into a final product or service. While we do a lot of mentoring, we also get to know new ideas or observations which would have completely missed us if we are totally focused on enterprise. You will find us more often at Startup events than large seminars.

This is a presentation given by Praveen Wicliff at one such Startup events, Startup Saturday, Mumbai. Event itself is focused on Cloud Computing and SaaS, where different startups have presented their ideas and products.

Simone Brunozzi from Amazon Web Services (AWS) has presented how Startups can use AWS and promised some free Amazon credits. Yay!

Published in startups | Tagged with startups, bootstrapping, cloud, aws, saas

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