When to NOT use Render Props

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This post is only kept around for historical purposes. If you can use
react@16.8.0 then the answer is to rarely use render props and almost always
use a custom hook. Hooks are almost always the superior approach. Read
about when you might still use render

With all the tweets,
posts, and
training videos
I have about the render prop pattern, I get this question a lot: “When should I
not use the render props pattern?”

Every abstraction comes with a cost,
even render props. But we use abstractions because we perceive the benefit
outweighs the cost (or because the thought lords told us to and we didn’t stop
to think about it… but I digress). So when you’re considering implementing a
particular tool, library, or pattern, it’s very important to think critically
about the costs and benefits (just like we should
think critically about how we manage state in our apps).
To understand the benefits in this context (😉),
you have to understand the problems it solves, how it goes about solving those
problems (especially when compared to alternatives), and (most importantly)
whether you have those problems to begin with. If you don’t have the
problem, then you’re incurring the cost of abstraction without reaping the

The problem

So what problem does render props solve? Fundamentally, render props solves
the problem of react component logic code reuse
and it solves it in a way that
is objectively superior to any other pattern currently. It’s objectively
superior because it provides more flexibility than alternatives. It can provide
this flexibility because it is basically free of opinions. It allows you to
bundle up your component logic into the declarative model react provides for us,
and leaves you to be responsible what to do with that information. Normally this
means rendering some specific UI based on some state, but it doesn’t have to.
React components don’t have to render UI or anything at all. React components
are about much more than just visual UI (consider
React Router as a prime example). For more on this,
watch Never Write Another HoC by
Michael Jackson.

Another problem that render props have solved for me in my codebases is
abstracting away imperative code. I love the example
Ryan Florence gave in his talk almost 2
years ago at React Rallycalled
‹Rethinker stop={false}/› where he refactored
a bunch of imperative code in a React Component’s lifecycle methods to a
separate <Tone /> component that abstracted away that imperative code and
provided a clean declarative API instead. By doing this, Ryan made the code
easier to understand because the visual UI was separated from the DOM APIs that
were used to create the sound.

Note: In Ryan’s example he didn’t actually use a render prop (he rendered
null), but we can do the same thing he did in that example with our own
code. Find good examples of components that do this in the
react-fns source
code (by Jared Palmer and other

When to use render props:

So when do I use render props? I use them when I want to reuse component logic
and when I want to abstract away imperative code to provide a easier to
understand declarative API. So I use render props all the time! Not in every
component, but definitely when I find myself in one of those two situations.

When to use an alternative pattern?

Never. I’m only partially kidding. There are definitely some situations where
another pattern could provide a cleaner interface for regular users. Take
react-redux for example. The connect higher order component is pretty
straightforward and wouldn’t be made much more simple by turning it into a
render prop component instead. One nice thing about render props is that they
give you dynamic composition, but the connect HOC solves that problem by
exposing an API for the parts you’d want to have dynamic anyway (like
mapStateToProps and mapPropsToDispatch).

That said, I would still use a render prop to create these higher order
components. As I said earlier, render props are objectively superior pattern.
But they’re not always the most ergonomic. So while I would expose a connect
HOC for integrating with redux like react-redux does, I would implement it using
a render prop
(let me show you how)!
This is possible because of the power of the render prop pattern.

In combination with HOCs, the Provider pattern can also be really handy, and can
also be implemented via render props (in fact, that’s basically what
the new context API is all about). Just for fun
one day, I decided to implement a provider and HOC for downshift. It didn’t take
me very much time at all before I had
a working implementation! This example
highlights one of the reasons I prefer render props over other patterns. With
render props you don’t need to make and name so many useless components! But
some people really enjoy breaking things out into smaller components, so it’s
nice to have something like this for those folks. If the HOCs fall short, people
can always fall back to the regular render prop.

So here’s my rule: If I want to reuse component logic or abstract away
imperative code, I always start with a render prop, then if needed I’ll use that
component to implement common-case components to make it more usable. Common
case users can use the common-case components, and advanced users can use the
render prop component. Everyone wins!

Note: If you want to see more examples of how to implement a higher order
component using a render prop component, check out every HOC in
react-fns which do
exactly that (like the

I hope that’s helpful to you! Good luck!

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